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How to Make Hydroponic Farms Commercially Viable

Sudhanva Sundararaman

Generally, hydroponic farms are a built-in greenhouse or indoors. Rather than a soil plant

grown, hydroponic plants have a higher growth under the same conditions. Now a day, it

produces greater yields so experiencing a boom and getting a lot of attention in the press. But still many are researching in the question i.e.” is this way of farming are profitable?”

Dozens of farm (greenhouse or indoors) operations around the world so it is obvious, this

technology application has been proven commercially viable worldwide. The highly productive facilities Hydroponic firms are beneficial to the environment and generating enough revenue to pay overhead expenses and provide healthy wages for farm workers. But it could be expensive if improvements are not made continually to achieve greater production efficiency.

There is one assumption worth pointing out hydroponic farms are already profitable if you are looking into the economics of commercial hydroponic farming. That’s why big corporations have built big greenhouses to grow crops. Following are the main benefits of hydroponics which when combined bring extraordinary results:

  • Virtually no pests, no weeds, no herbicides, no pesticides.

  • Large harvests: hydroponic systems are vertical and therefore require lesser space and allow you to produce more.

  • Climate controlled – A climate-controlled environment enables you to grow non-seasonal vegetables which means you can grow throughout the year. You are not dependent on the weather conditions to make your vegetables grow.

  • Clean and fresh harvest – Everything grows right in front of your eyes and you can check anytime both leaves and roots are healthy and fresh.

  • No need to work the soil – Hydroponics is completely soilless growing. No soil is used. So, you don’t need to work on the soil and you are completely free from all soil-borne diseases.

  • No water runoff –hydroponics method uses only 10% of the water that is used in normal agriculture. There is no wastage of water either.

  • Reduced labor requirements – Hydroponics doesn’t require a lot of work. It is not labor-intensive at all as the systems don’t require too much time and effort as compared to normal agriculture.

  • Ability to grow a wide assortment of crops as like arugula, lettuce varieties, kale, cilantro, parsley, dill, thyme, mint, basil, and most other leafy greens and culinary herbs.

There is no doubt; Hydroponics blends the best of modern agriculture to provide a clean,

efficient, replicable, controllable method of growing and feasible as a commercial operation.

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vipin chawla
vipin chawla
09 de jan. de 2020

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