A general conception among the Indian farming community is that staple crops and vegetables cannot be grown in absence of good soil, good water and plenty of sunlight.

How Future will Take on Hydroponic Farming Concepts in India
A general conception among the Indian farming community is that staple crops and vegetables cannot be grown in absence of good soil, good water and plenty of sunlight. This conception is true to an extent, but certainly, the farming trends across the globe are changing, and India is standing on the brink of adopting this valuable change.
Today new farming practices are being adopted, which clearly show healthy plants need water, nutrients and high-quality seeds. There is absolutely no requirement of soil. The term Hydroponic Farming refers to this type of farming. Growing plants with hydroponics technology require no sunlight, but blue, red and yellow spectrum.
By all means, hydroponic farming in India is in its nascent stage. As a matter of fact, farming practices in India are largely traditional. The current market for this type of hydroponic farming is only limited to metropolitan and cosmopolitan towns with a mere mention of tier-1 cities. Hydroponic Farming is under the innovation and creative technologies are being adopted in India by the progressively thinking farmers. The extent of green units operational in India are only designed for growing micro greens. The plan to grow full blown staple crops like rice, wheat, bajra etc., is a dream.
Growing lettuce and other vegetables in hydroponic units is expensive for the reason that their growth cannot be taken to the surplus levels in these units. The earning potential from hydroponic farming units is high, but the costs of establishing such units are even higher.
Scope of Hydroponic Farming in New India
Population size of India is indiscriminately increasing, and this is one of the major reasons why size of arable land is reducing in availability. Since arable land area is continuously reducing, it is becoming difficult to produce staple crops for rapidly growing population. With hydroponic farming method, the arable space problem in India will be solved in the future. More cultivars of staple crops can be grown, and consumption of soil and water will be reduced, or just not required.
How it would appear, when crops will be grown in visible light spectrum, and there will be fresh food available for everyone on the land. This could be a start of new green revolution; which millennia’s out here are going to witness.
Another significant benefit of Hydroponic farming evolution in India will alleviate the burden on poor people and the environment in which we breathe and survive. How this will happen? Since hydroponic farms requires less of space and water, and growth is alarmingly quick than the traditional farming, fruits and vegetables will be grown quickly. With surplus food available for everyone, there will not be fight for the hunger. In this innovative process water is also saved, which means more water is available for various other purposes.
Finally, the hydroponic farming will reduce pests and weed production on alarming levels. Therefore, the use of pesticides, insecticides and weedicides will be reduced. There will nit be any land pollution. For now, this technological revolution is a fringe movement, and much of exploration is underway.
Author Note: The author has experience in hydroponic farming and has interest in writing on this innovative concept. The author also likes sharing its experience on this new age farming technology with people from varied interest groups.
Summary: The change in farming concepts will happen in near future in India, however, in the present scenario, work on concept of hydroponics farming is underway. Individuals as well as corporate are rallying for this ground-breaking farming methodologies.
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